Sunday, September 10, 2006

I dreamed about Otter Lake last night

It was an evening daydream...where I just floated back in time and space. I could smell the mushroom under brush.
It was an overcast day. The lush green was vivid. I was leaning out of the breezeway door looking at the forest walk around. Nana had a two wood plank walk made that arced in a circle and was accompanied by a skinny wood railing. The first building on this path was the outhouse. As a child, when I arrived for vacation at Otter Lake I would run the circular walk way. The boards would bend and heave, my bare feet worried about being pinched between the planks. Once there was a huge snake running ahead of me. I'm not sure who was more frightened. I never saw a snake run before. He took great loopy leaps and disappeared into the forest beyond the wooden path, where my little girl world ended.
then all the memories evaporated...I tried to coax them back but really they just escaped like the snake.