it seems like we learn how to relate to one another from many seemingly invisible influences. like the spot one's home occupies in relationship to it's neighbors and how it holds up next to each other. a sort of spacial intelligence emerges, a neighborhood arranges itself. and this sense of space and place probably shows up in our lives in many small and creative ways. homes take on personalities and characters in a neighborhood play. we grew up learning about our place in the world in this primordial way.
918 has such a warmth and dignity, plenty of room yet comfortable. it stands out and graces the block with a unique look. mother turned on every light in the entire house every night, curtains wide open. one neighbor loved to walk by and commented that our house looked like a grand floating ship.
my best friend, living next door, and i once stretched a long line of twine from our bedroom windows all the way across the shared driveway to play telephone with two tin cans as an ear receiver...bridging the gap. it really worked!
i can only imagine what the view was like from across the street, like in this picture, watching five little girls grow into five beauties. what a show that must have been. imagine all those possible suitors visiting incessantly, the door opening and closing year after year. if walls could speak...
I love this vision of the grand floating ship ....
OMG beautiful picture, lovely writing.
Oh Bets, we were special, weren't we...
days gone by.
thanks enjah and r.d.star...
we are still special...even more so having been graced with these many years to learn how to be fully awake. it adds to the patina of our way.
we were physically beautiful but emotionally damaged...or perhaps i ought to speak for myself. it took time to figure out how to heal myself and if i had a chance to go back to the earlier time with all the outward beauty and inward torment, i'd hands down take this time. no doubt. the troubles are over. it's a new life. ( and there's always polates, hehehe...)
p.s. if you look closely, you'll see m&d getting into the car. mom, god help us, was going to drive! until i intercepted.
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