I am sure dying of lung cancer is painful and difficult. I am so sorry Peter probably suffered. I feel the loss of a neighborhood friend.
I took a moment to ponder all our neighborhood- wish I had stayed closer to them. Oh dear. Life is terribly transient, isn't it?
oooo robyn...where did you find this picture??
What a remarkable face.
I'm sorry to post this as anonymous. Can;t remember my password.
betsy / botz
Tish said Pete's form of lung cancer was very aggressive and went fast. While I am sure that means he suffered, at least it was not drawn out.
I really like the look in Pete's eyes in this photo. Although he looks thin and ill, he looks like a decent man to my eye. I am glad to see how he turned out, as I only remember him from his teenage years.
Enjah, I saw that Peter's eyes reflected such sweetness, I'm sorry I didn't know him better. Although in the group photo, as a young man, he looked sweet as well. I just wonder where is John, he impressed me when I was a child. Andrew and Penny look healthy and strong. I hope they are.
sometimes the past has a lingering lure that sends me into regret- I could have appreciated these people more, been more present. oh well, Peter is gone now.
If I saw Peter, without knowing him, if he was a totaly stranger walking past me, I would have to really take in this face .... It reminds me of the intensity of Samuel Beckett ... very striking.
Yes, Tish said they will be gathering this week as a family ... I hold them all in my heart. Our families are interwoven and their saddness is mine.
Let's send them tremendous love through to ethers.
betsy / botz
Anonymous....I had the honor of knowing Peter. Peter was a gentle soul that will be missed by many. I am sorry I only now found about the death of this gentleman. He will be thougt of daily. I knew Peter through good and bad.. He always fought a true hard battle.e was a devoted friend and father. My love to you my dear friend you are sorrly missed.
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