Friday, July 14, 2006


after what seemed an eternity (sorry, i was a t the beach...ahem, ahem) the youngest blinked and blinked yet this beautiful being remained before her. it was shaped like an egg...but was it water or fire? she had seen paintings of mandalas Back Then and spent hours resting her eyes on the colours, shapes and patterns and it was an escape, like taking refuge, from the dark, thorny times.

but this was WAY beyond those two dimensional pictures: this was alive, shimmering, dancing licks of flame folding inward. it looked like sunlight dancing and making patterns at the bottom of the swimming pool but with a rhythmic order, continually merging towards the center. was it liquid or gold leaf? whatever it was, it was mesmerizing, hypnotic. there was a sound so sweet and familiar, it made her cry. it was her secret did this being know her private language? so many questions, so much wonderment.

"enter if you wish but know that you will never be the same again." "what do you mean? who are you? where am i?" "enter and you will know everything...and you will know nothing. you will know the no word place, where there will never be the darkness again. but there will never be the colour paradise either. you will know both, you will know the CENTER." "o, i'm not sure what to do." she had lived in the hell realm at a much to young age and it would be a great pleasure to leave it once and for all. but she hadn't explored this new full colour paradise hardly at all. "is it scary?" "it is the end of fear, it is KNOWING." "is it as beautiful as you?"
"YES...more so."

she looked around wishing her sisters were near to come with her. they were always so brave and daring. no, she would have to grow up and trust her own way. suddenly, there was a flash of white. was that elle, flying on a white horse??? what the...
in the distance was #4 in a blue bubble of mist, sleeping. her face in a gentle smile, shone like moon light.

it was time...time to surrender. she took a deep breath in and dove, like off a swimming board with hands together in prayer pose, right into the CENTER...

1 comment:

J.N. said...

welcome back from the Ocean. Enter the center...
Very exciting stuff...