the youngest is compelled to remind by saying:
Hidden within One's Greatest Challenges,
Lies One's Greatest Gifts---
The Key to Opening these Gifts is FORGIVENESS.
where is the crystal key???
On a quiet street sat a large light green house with a stone porch & white pillars. The bay windows on either side of the front door were crowned with leaded glass panels. Inside the house lived five extraordinary girls with two remarkable parents. They were American born Irish catholics. Within this house every emotion was to be played out & sometimes carried to the extreme. Let's take a peek inside, shall we...
key key where's is the crystal key...Elle has the key..wow, that may have been a profound statement.
yes it fits into the witches eye.
I will develop that in my next installment.
The wound is still festering I guess. My anger is that we are STILL STILL STILL caught up in this childhood drama. I think that dream enemies such as this witch should be KILLED, as soon as possible, and as many times as necessary!
the Senoi Indians often say to offer a gift to your dream "enemies", make them an ally. offer as many times as it takes until the dream "enemy" is willing to receive the gift. that enemy(witch)is a part of yourself, and when you have that part of yourself in alliance, no longer warring, you receive the gifts inside.
I guess the witch did not try to kill either of us then? At least not in this form. In that case, I believe you are right Botz. However, I do not like anyone to be cruel to either of you. Our dreams and our fantasy stories are about us, yes, and if you have another solution, I applaud you. I say kill off the witch, but if you can forgive her, so much the better! Maybe inner poison can be turned into sweet milk ....
enj, that's great. although i don't understand the concept of killing her off because she is the valuable archetype and a member of what life has to offer. to heal the aspect of the dark and disturbing witch means she is transformed. her wound is healed.
forgiveness is an added gift to the hard work of healing.
inner poison turned into sweet milk! yeah, alchemy!
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