Every year, our sister #2 would bring an M-80 (like a cherry bomb, but a little bigger bang) for Dad to light and throw in the back yard. Every year, he held it a little longer, building up the suspense and terrifying everyone in the area. We were always wondering if this was the year we would have to call the ambulance to take him to the emergency room. But he always threw it just in time. He became deaf gradually, year by year, and I wonder if those little exploding fireworks added to it! If they did, I am sure he did not care one bit. Oh the thrill of it all!
Dad loved life and considered every day a gift. He ate every meal with tremendous enjoyment, and savored everything good in life. I think growing up relatively poor made him very appreciative of anything he experienced that was on the good side of the ledger.
we were always worried about dad getting harmed in any way. six females dependent on one man!!!
I say I expected to have to call the ambulance, but that was later in his life. When he was middle aged, I always thought Dad was immortal, without sin, and indestructible. Clearly not a rational set of beliefs!
we were ready to canonize the guy...saint bob and his disciples.
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