This may have been the same Easter in both pictures, I'm not sure.
Check out the stuffed baby duck in my hands!
I loved the skirt E is wearing.
Wasn't mom's dress lovely?
B & I in-front of our yellow bus, our nickname for the old Ford. With great irritation, dad taped over the oil light because it came on one too many times and the engine seized up for lack of oil. His mechanic proudly displayed the motor in public, which may have made dad chuckle? I know my other sisters know more about this story...I invite them to help me out.
aahhwww...i forgot all about those pictures. so darling. that skirt of e's, i recall, is black velvet or corduroy, with a pink giraffe. wasn't it passed down several time?
remember the live ducks?
Oh gawd and a swimming cap and the heat vent...
it's all a great mystery to me.
In addition, it must be said Dad believed with all his heart that recommending changing oil was a scam done by the oil companies. When it got low, he simply added oil. Just think how many miles he got out of that old workhorse! Sometimes gummy oil seals leaks LOL!
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