another easter sunday picture in which you see five sisters decked out in their finest 1950's coats, wearing corsages, white gloves, patent leather shoes, or saddle shoes! and easter hats. i actually have on a bonnet!
we almost always had a mad rush getting to church on time. lots of hysteria trying to find the right match to our gloves, or crying because our shoes were lost. "dad, where are my gloves?" "well, I haven't been wearing them!" he would get so frustrated with us and curse under his breath something about the irish and time.
we were late alot. and it was almost always ten minutes late. strange. so, they set the kitchen clock to be ten minutes ahead. somehow, we all liked it this way. it seemed more natural, somehow right. of course our visitors and guests would have quite a start and pack up to leave prematurely thinking it was much later than it was. didn't everyone have their clocks set forward?
wow, what year was that?
thanks for posting this treasure. we all look so young. B and my clothes are so short.
I looked like a "dolled up" little girl in very feminine clothes. Do I have ruffles on my socks? Paten-leather shoes?
I must confess that all the clocks (in my house) are 20 minutes fast (even now). I did it thinking that I would have to do the math of subtracting the 20 minutes and then I'd be awake. Hasn't always worked but truthfully there have been those days when doing the math made me wake up and get going.
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