Wednesday, April 19, 2006

"All These Children I Never Wanted"

Our mother was a charming, beautiful, intelligent, crazy woman. She suffered from manic-depression [The illness is now termed bipolar disorder in an attempt to make it less stigmatizing to the patients and their families. Most of these terminologies gradually take on the same meanings as the old terms, but never mind].

We had a family reunion, I am not sure which one, maybe for her 80th birthday, and I heard her say, "Ah, here I am surrounded by all these children I never wanted." Rude, but true. She would have been better off not being coerced by the CHURCH to have so many children. In fact, she may have been better off with no children at all. The stresses of family life may have contributed to the onset of her illness.


J.N. said...

excellent comment.
god, how did we survive so well?
I think we are amazing.
I love us so much!

botz said...

well, being the youngest, mother's way ups and way downs is my only reference to childhood. i was always sad for her. sometimes i wonder if the doctor did a "mercy" snip to her fallopian tubes after i was delivered cesarean. her frayed nerves...
it was no wonder i never felt, as a child, i had the right to be alive.